Arcade Ventures: The day you become a VC

3 min readFeb 23, 2022


Arcade Ventures is a decentralized crypto venture fund that’s making the profitability of seed investing accessible to everyone. We are a community-driven approach to Venture Capital (VC) that creates fair access to early opportunities and helps investors and projects succeed.

Instead of taking money from a few wealthy individuals and institutions, Arcade Ventures will pool capital from thousands of investors. This gives everyone the chance to be a venture partner and an early investor in the next wave of crypto projects.

In this article, we introduce our approach and its advantages.

The best way to get a 100x return is to be early

Early-stage investments are how VCs make exceptional returns. Typically referred to as pre-sales, seed or private deals, these types of investments are often out of reach to “casuals”. Two reasons stand out why VCs can reach these deals, but the everyday trader might not:

  • First, they have more capital, making it more attractive for companies to take their money.
  • Second, VCs have the experience (and time) to analyze investments and perform proper due diligence.

Ultimately, VCs have the high amount of capital required to invest in a diverse portfolio of companies, and therefore are more likely to invest in winners that provide the highest returns.

If you are a sole investor, lack the capital or knowledge, or don’t work in the crypto industry full time to keep up with its developments… It’s extremely hard to compete with this. You’re a sardine to VC sharks.

You won’t be able to participate in the deals VCs get access to, and even if you could, the VCs will always be ten steps ahead of you.

Time to even the playing field.

This is why we started Arcade Ventures. Our mission is to make venture investing available to everyone, providing access to something previously out of reach for most of us, and enriching our community in the process. What does this mean to you as an investor?

Access to early-deal investments

To get exposure to a sophisticated portfolio of seed investments, all you have to do is invest. These projects have high upside potential and opportunities for growth from the start.

Professionally-led deal flows

Our crypto-veteran team and community will work together to find opportunities and invest the capital.

Highly experienced partners will filter and analyze every deal, and negotiate the terms of investment with projects. We will focus on the four areas in crypto with the highest growth potential: (1) NFTs and culture, (2) DeFi, (3) Metaverse and (4) Play-to-Earn, and diversify fund capital across investments in the next two years.

And for incubated projects?

They get access to a curated pool of talent, advisors and investors. Aligned incentives means the community have a chance at early alpha and opportunity, in exchange of early adoption and beta testing.

How to get involved

While everyone will have access to join the fund, there is limited space available.

The genesis fund will raise a fixed amount, with token shares sold at a fixed price. Once this hard cap is reached, tokens will no longer be issued and investors will be able to buy in decentralized exchanges at market premium.

Allocations via whitelists will be available, but done so that participants will have to create real value for the Arcade community and its companies to get Whitelisted status. Requirements will be announced soon in our Discord, Twitter and future articles.

What’s next?

For now, this is all we can say. In the coming weeks, we will be releasing more details, including how deals will be sourced, how profits will be distributed to token holders, how talent and contributions will be rewarded, and how we will support project growth.

To ensure you get an allocation in the fund, be sure to:

  1. Follow us on Twitter and turn post notifications on
  2. Subscribe to our mailing list to be directly notified
  3. Join our Discord and engage with the team (soon)

Crypto is a game of money. Let’s play together.

Welcome to the Arcade.

